
Art historian

Sibilla Panerai, Ph.D researcher in Art History (2008, University G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara), after her degree in Modern Letters (2003), is the responsible of the Franco Angeli Archive in Rome. She works with the University “G. D’Annunzio” in the teachings of Museology and Contemporary Art History. Founder and Director of the Performing Art Festival “Corpo”, that received the Honor Mention by the italian Ministry of Culture.

Her main publications: Le Terme Tamerici di Montecatini. Galileo Chini e le Fornaci San Lorenzo. Oltre la decorazione, Maschietto Editore, Firenze 2014; CORPO estraneo/straniero. Storia delle arti performative in Abruzzo, Verdone Editore, Teramo 2015 Her field of research goes from the Liberty and Art Decò to Performing Arts and the most recent trends of Contemporary Art and she writes for several art magazines and published monographic works about these studies.


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