
Unit I - University of Chieti - Pescara - DILASS

Academic project lead:
Prof. Maria Giulia Aurigemma

Academic experts:
Prof. Gaetano Curzi

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata

Associated scholars:
Dr. Marco Cavietti
Dr. Francesca Curti
Dr. Valeria Di Giuseppe Di Paolo
Dr. Dr. Belinda Granata
Dr. Sibilla Panerai







Art historian

Belinda Granata graduated in Art History, in 1998, at Sapienza University of Rome. At the same University, in 2004, she obtained a diploma at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Storia dell’Arte Medioevale e Moderna, and, in 2008, Ph.D in "Strumenti e Metodi per la Storia dell’Arte", with a thesis on the Cardinal Alessandro Peretti Montalto’s collection [...]

Art Historian

After my studies at the Sapienza University of Rome (1997 Degree; 2004 Postgraduate degree “Scuola di specializzazione in Storia dell’arte medievale e moderna”; 2004 Ph.D. in Art History), I have been lecturer on contract at the Sapienza University of Rome and at the University of Ferrara. 2004-2005 I got a post-doc fellowship at the Bibliotheca Hertziana [,...]

Art historian and archivist

Francesca Curti graduated in History of Art, in 2000, at Sapienza University of Rome. 
At the same institution, in 2006, she obtained PhD in “Strumenti e metodi per la storia dell’arte”, XVIII ciclo, with a thesis on the collection of Cristiana Duglioli Angelelli, published in 2007 by Gangemi (Committenza, collezionismo e mercato dell’arte tra Roma [...]

Archivist and art historian

Marco Cavietti obtained a degree in Art History at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2006) and a Master of Art at the Warburg Institute-London University in Cultural ad Intellectual History (2009). In the period 2013-2016, he attended the Scuola di paleografia e diplomatica at the State Archive in Rome, the annual course of archival science at the [...]

Art historian

Sibilla Panerai, Ph.D researcher in Art History (2008, University G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara), after her degree in Modern Letters (2003), is the responsible of the Franco Angeli Archive in Rome. She works with the University “G. D’Annunzio” in the teachings of Museology and Contemporary Art History. Founder and Director of the Performing Art Festival [...]

Art historian

She studied Art History at the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre (Laurea in 2005) and then she had an internship in the Louvre Museum (2005). She got her PhD with a thesis on the baroque painter Guillaume Courtois (Dissertation in 2011) and afterwards she was a part of the PRIN 2008 project regarding “The archeological restoration during the foundation of the first [...]


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